
Updated January 2025

I'm currently focussed on:

Apps and Tools

I'm always interested to see what tools and apps people use, so have added this section as a living document of the software and tools I'm currently finding most useful:

Business Enquiries

See for details of my professional development and consulting services.

Help with your code

I genuinely enjoy helping and teaching other developers, and regularly receive questions for help with coding. To help me manage these requests as they increase in volume:

If you have a small development query, such as help with a particular piece of code, please post it on StackOverflow, and send me the link.

In this way, the whole community can benefit from - and contribute to - our learning.

For direct, one-on-one support for your code, or to discuss a larger project, I offer professional software consulting services through my business.


These are my priorities right now. With the exception of the above, I say no to everything else, including:

Saying "no" does not come naturally to me, but taking this approach helps me to keep focussed on priorities.

Inspired by zen habits and Derek Sivers.